Ketubah Match Maker

Let's Stay Connected

Traditional Match Maker Services for Active Soul Journey Seekers

Ketubah Match Makers

"Specializing In Torah Centered Betrothal Match-Making"

All Match Maker Services are Free Until August, 2024!


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Strengthening the Abrahamic Covenant Through Marriage.

Ketubah Match Maker

Would Like An Affordable Match Maker Team to Assist In Finding Your Match Made In Heaven

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Ketubah Match Maker Events

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Your Other Half Experts

Have you been searching everywhere for your other half? Ketubah Match Maker is here to help keep you encouraged.

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Areas All Brides and Grooms Should Consider

The Ketubah Match Maker Goal Is To Help You Find The Key To Your Happiness Without Compromising Your Values

Prior to confirming a wedding date, renting the hall and purchasing the dress, be certain you are clear on the type of family environment you plan to co-exist within.  Compromise and communication are key in sustaining a happy Torah centered marriage.   

Preparing The Ketubah

Torah Centered Family 

Prayer and Study

Family History

The Big Event

Keeping Shabbat

Scarf or Wig

Personal Character

Family Income

Family Values

To Have or Not To Have Family Pet

Is The Internet Necessary

Military Protocol

City or Rural Habitat

Sharing Holy Days With Family and Friends


Marital Relations

Shul or University

Orthodox or Reformed 

Match Maker Services Free Until August  18, 2024.  

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Blind Meet Up

You share 50-100 of the most important qualities, in seeking a perfect match, and Ketubah Match Maker will arrange meet ups that reflect  your authentic personality, human traits, beliefs, dreams, hobbies and likes.

Ketubah Match Makers Are Professional, Personable, and Private.  We listen with your heart in mind and your happiness in view.  Privacy and trust in our services are first and of great importance.

"Ketubah Journal"

Ketubah Match Maker Monthly "B'nai Israel Universal" Newsletter.

Be encouraged that there is a perfect match waiting to meet you!


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Kosher Courting

What is the meaning of Kosher Courting?

Kosher Courting consists of meeting up with potential matches that are respectful of one's beliefs and values without compromising your safety, security, or integrity.  Ketubah Match Maker assists in presenting your full personality with the purpose of reaching the goal of finding a perfect match that is honest and realistic.  What do you consider important in a match and why?  Let us explore the type of personality and energy that you most relate to and are most comfortable around.






Social Media

Family Connectivity

Kosher Courtship


Schedule and Accountability


    Candid Conversation

Personal Style

Shul Studies

Personal Growth                                         

Family Life